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By-Laws & Rules of the Order

Palo Alto, CA Lodge No. 1471 of the
of the United States of America
A Fraternal Organization


Local Lodge Version 3.0

Last 5 year Revision Approved 02/10/2022.
Last Amendment(s) Approved 07/29/2024.
(Based on GL By-Laws Template 1.603)


Section 1. This Lodge, under the provisions of its Dispensation and Charter shall be known as Palo Alto, CA Lodge No. 1471, of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America.

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America, of which this Lodge is a constituent member, is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code, and this Lodge will operate at all times in conformity with those requirements.


Section 1. The Members of this Lodge shall be all persons who have been, or may hereafter be, duly elected and initiated under the authorized ritual, or affiliated with it, and are in good standing in the Order.

Section 2. Applications for membership shall be received only from citizens of the United States of America who pledge allegiance to and salute the American Flag, who are of good character, not under the age of twenty-one years, and who believe in God.

No person shall be accepted as a Member of this Order who advocates the overthrow of the Government by force or violence.

Section 3. Any person desirous of membership shall make application in the manner provided by the Laws of the Order.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Members to report any change of residence as soon as possible to the Secretary of the Lodge.


Section 1.  The Governing Body of the Home, Club or other facility as designated in Article IX can grant Associate Memberships to Members in good standing in other Lodges solely for the use of the Lodge's social facilities upon such terms as it may prescribe.



Section 1. The Lodge, by an affirmative secret ballot of two-thirds of those present at a regular Lodge meeting, may elect a Member in good standing to Life Membership upon the payment in advance of $15,000.00, or who has paid to a Lodge or Lodges required annual dues for a period of not less than 30 years preceding application.

Any nomination for Life Membership must be in writing. The Exalted Ruler shall set a date for the ballot on the nomination which shall be no later than the third regular meeting after it is presented. All Members shall receive notice by the Secretary at least ten days prior to the date on which the vote will be taken. A rejected nomination cannot be presented again within a period of one year from the date of rejection.

Section 2. The Lodge does not authorize Honorary Life Memberships.

Section 3. The Lodge does NOT adopt any limitations to Life Membership totals.


Section 1. The regular Lodge meetings of this Lodge shall be held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month throughout the year, except in the months of November and December, in which the Lodge shall meet on the second Thursday. If a regular meeting falls on a holiday, that meeting shall be held on the same day of the week during the following week.

Section 2. The regular hour of meeting shall be 6:30PM; but at any time, however, the regular meeting may be held at an hour to be determined by vote of the Lodge to that effect at the previous meeting, provided that written notice of such change of meeting hour shall be given to all the Members.

Section 3. Social sessions may be held in accordance with the Laws of the Order. The proceedings thereof shall be characterized by considerate behavior, and no vulgarity, profanity, or indecent conduct shall be permitted, under penalty of discipline to offenders. The members of the committee in charge of such social session shall be held responsible for the proper conduct thereof.

Section 4. A minimum of Nine Members of this Lodge (or Seven Members for lodges of 99 Members or fewer), at least two of whom shall be elected Officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of this Lodge in a regular or special meeting. For any Lodge Committee or Board to legitimately transact its business, a quorum of a simple majority of that body’s members of record must be present, unless the Statutes provide otherwise.


Section 1. The Lodge shall allow for the use of alternative forms of the Opening and/or Closing Rituals, as approved by the Grand Lodge.


Section 1. The elective Officers of this Lodge shall be an Exalted Ruler, an Esteemed Leading Knight, an Esteemed Loyal Knight, an Esteemed Lecturing Knight, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and five Trustees; and no member can simultaneously hold more than one office in the Lodge, elective or appointive. No Lodge Officer shall simultaneously occupy another position in the Lodge, whether as a paid employee or otherwise, when the relationship between the Lodge Office held and the other position occupied is such as to give rise to an apparent, potential or actual conflict of interest.

All Officers shall be elected annually for a one-year term, except that Trustees will hold five-year terms with one Trustee to be elected annually. All Officers and Trustees shall serve until duly removed, or otherwise until their successor is elected and installed.


Section 2. The Exalted Ruler shall be the Executive Officer of the Lodge and shall, in an unincorporated Lodge, be an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Trustees. Except as otherwise provided by Statute, it shall be the duty of the Exalted Ruler to preside at all meetings of the Lodge, call special meetings when necessary, appoint all committees as provided in Section 13.020 of the Grand Lodge Statutes, or by vote of the Lodge, designating the Chairman thereof and have general supervision over all matters pertaining to the Lodge; he shall attend all officially called District Deputy Clinics for his Lodge unless excused for good cause shown to the District Deputy with jurisdiction and see that harmony is preserved and the Laws of the Order enforced; he shall act as the representative of this Lodge to the Grand Lodge and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of this Lodge. It shall be the duty of the representative to the Grand Lodge to attend the Annual Session thereof and to submit a report to his Local Lodge no later than the first regular meeting in October. The Lodge shall pay such representative no less than the amount provided for transportation and per diem while necessarily engaged in travel and for each day actually spent in attendance at the Session, as provided in Section 4.240 of the Statutes of the Order.

NOTE: Sec. 12.120 of the Statutes of the Order fixes the minimum to be allowed representatives to the Grand Lodge Sessions. See also Sec. 4.240, Statutes of the Order.


Section 3. Except as otherwise provided by Statute, it shall be the duty of the Esteemed Leading Knight, Esteemed Loyal Knight and Esteemed Lecturing Knight to assist the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his duties as stated above and to officiate for him in his absence, in the order of their rank named in the Constitution; and they shall each be invested at such times with his full powers and prerogatives, and subject to his duties. In the absence of the Exalted Ruler, the Officer next in rank shall organize the Lodge and designate the Members who shall fill the vacancies during the meeting, or until the absent Officers appear, when the latter must take their official places in the Lodge. They shall also perform the duties pertaining to their offices, as provided by the Laws and Ritual, and any other duties imposed upon them by the Lodge. The Leading Knight shall attend all officially called District Deputy Clinics for his Lodge unless excused for good cause shown to the District Deputy with jurisdiction.


Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep correct minutes of all meetings of the Lodge, to keep correct accounts between the Lodge and its Members; assign each Member a number and place the same opposite his name on his membership card; keep correct mailing lists of the Members of the Lodge electronically using the most current Chicago Lodge Membership System, with the mailing address of each Member indicated thereon. Corrections of the mailing list should be made immediately upon the Secretary acquiring knowledge of the necessity thereof, using methods conforming to the requirements of the Chicago Lodge Membership System for each new Member initiated into the Lodge or affiliated therewith by Certificate of Release, Certificate of Status, Absolute Dimit or Reinstatement; for the removal of Members who have died, been dimitted, expelled, or dropped from the rolls; for the new address of each Member who shall have changed his address or affiliated by Transfer Dimit. In addition, the Secretary shall be required to annually compare the Lodge roster with records maintained by the Chicago Lodge Membership System and promptly correct discrepancies by electronic media.

He shall receive all moneys due to the Lodge, from any source whatever, transferring the same to the Treasurer at the earliest practicable moment, and taking his receipt therefor; and receive all moneys due the Grand Lodge from Members as annual dues, transferring the same to the Treasurer at the earliest practicable moment. He shall attend to all the correspondence, subject to the approval of the Exalted Ruler, and he shall promptly present all communications received by him to the Lodge, having first submitted the same to the Exalted Ruler. He shall issue all certificates pertaining to the business of the Lodge; shall inform persons elected of the fact, and notify rejected applicants. He shall post or mail notice in writing to all Members of the Lodge, of all applications for affiliation, membership, or Life Membership, giving the name, city and state of the candidate, his business, and the name of his proposer, if any, and the time when action will be taken upon such application.

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to give and serve a ten-day written notice to the entire membership of the Lodge, showing the details of any proposition to sell, lease, purchase, exchange, finance, make a gift, or make substantial alterations on the real property of the Lodge, before a vote can be had upon such proposition. When, and if, such sale, exchange, alteration, gift or mortgage financing shall be voted by the Lodge, after due and proper notice, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to forward application for permit and such information to the Board of Grand Trustees, as may be required by the provisions of Sec. 16.050, Statutes of the Order. All of the provisions of the Section relating to realty shall apply equally to furnishings, fixtures and equipment.

It is further the duty of the Secretary to annually compile a list of the Members owing one year's dues to the Lodge, report said delinquency to the Lodge and notify said Members of their delinquency, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 14.160 of the Statutes of the Order. It is further the duty of the Secretary to drop from the rolls the delinquent Members prior to April 1 of each year, after complying with the provisions of said Sec. 14.160.

It is further the duty of the Secretary to see that the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of this Lodge shall be recorded or filed, as notice to the public, when State law permits or requires such recording or filing.

He shall notify the members of all committees of their appointment, together with the subject given into their charge; copy reports in the minute book, when directed so to do; require Members to pay their dues in advance of each upcoming dues period; send a written notice to all Members in arrears for dues; attend to all duties required by the Laws of the Order, and all such other duties as may be legally imposed upon him by the Lodge and are inherent in and pertain to the duties of his office. He shall have charge of the seal, books, papers and records of the Lodge, under the direction of the Exalted Ruler. He shall, on or before the first day of May of each year, electronically file the Annual Membership and Charity Reports furnished by the Grand Secretary to that Officer via the Chicago Lodge Membership System, properly filled out, mailing check or draft to pay in full all indebtedness of the Lodge to the Grand Lodge, including all Grand Lodge dues collected or due from Members of this Lodge, and said report shall bear the name of the Exalted Ruler and Secretary. He shall certify to the Grand Secretary the vote of the Lodge upon all constitutional amendments. On the 1st day of November he shall furnish to the Office of the Grand Secretary such membership statistics as may be required, via the Chicago Lodge Membership System as directed by the Grand Secretary. He shall attend all officially called District Deputy Clinics for his Lodge unless excused for good cause shown to the District Deputy with jurisdiction. For the faithful performance of his duties he shall receive as compensation $20,800.00 per annum, payable twice per month.

When he retires from office he shall immediately deliver all the books, papers, and other property in his charge belonging to the Lodge to his successor in office, or whomsoever the Lodge may appoint. He shall present a written report of the transactions of his office semi-annually, at the first regular meetings in the months of April and October. He shall also report to the Grand Secretary all expulsions and suspensions of Members, giving the name, age, birthplace, residence and occupation. He shall be required to give bond to the Lodge in the sum of $5,000.00 for the faithful performance of his duties.


Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all the Lodge moneys from the Secretary, giving him a receipt therefor; and, except as otherwise provided by By-Laws, he shall be the Treasurer of all Committees of the Lodge, and shall handle all funds of all Committees and of every activity of the Lodge; pay all bills against the Lodge as ordered thereby on vouchers signed by the Exalted Ruler and Secretary, except as provided in Section 12.060(f); keeping a correct account, under their proper dates, of the amounts and sources of receipts and the amounts and purposes of disbursements, taking proper vouchers for the various items thereof. He shall, at such times as the Lodge may direct or the Exalted Ruler require, present for examination all books, papers, vouchers, etc., that may be necessary to a proper auditing of his accounts. He shall also perform such other duties as are required by the Lodge, and are compatible with his office. Whenever the amount of unappropriated cash in his possession shall exceed $100.00, he shall notify the Chairman of the Board. He shall present a report at each regular meeting showing the condition of the funds of the Lodge. He shall be required to give bond to the Lodge in the sum of $5,000.00 for the faithful performance of his duties.


Section 6. The Board of Trustees, or a Board of Directors established in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of Grand Lodge Statutes Section 16.020, (collectively called “the Board”) after each annual installation, shall meet and organize by the election of a Chairman and a Secretary, who shall be members of such Board. The Chairman of the Board shall attend all officially called District Deputy Clinics for his Lodge unless excused for good cause shown to the District Deputy with jurisdiction. The Board shall have the following powers subject to the control of the Lodge; it shall have control of the funds, investments and property of the Lodge, whether real or personal, not otherwise provided for by law; it shall receive and collect the income and rents from said property, and pay the same through the Secretary to the Lodge; shall execute all leases, contracts or other papers necessary or proper in the premises when authorized by the Lodge and the provisions of Sec. 16.050, Statutes of the Order, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of this Lodge, and as are compatible with the office. It shall see that the provisions of Sec. 16.050, Statutes of the Order, are strictly complied with, especially the provisions for the vote of the Lodge, before executing any contract, including Real Estate sales contracts.

It shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and such special meetings, subject to the call of the Chairman, as may be required for the fulfillment of its duties, keeping correct minutes thereof. The Exalted Ruler shall be given the same notice of all meetings in the same manner as given to other members of the Board. In addition to the minute book, it shall keep a separate record of such investments as it may make from time to time under the direction of the Lodge, and said record shall show clearly the original cost of such investments, the dates and amounts of the receipts arising as interest or profit upon such investments, the dates and amounts of bank deposits made by it, and the dates and amounts of such drafts as may from time to time be made from the bank by order of the Lodge. Whenever it may become aware, by notice or otherwise, that the amount of unappropriated cash in the hands of the Treasurer exceeds $100.00, the Board may demand and receive from said Treasurer all unappropriated moneys in excess of said amount, giving its receipt therefor; and it shall deposit the same in one of the banks selected for deposit purposes by vote of the Lodge, or it may invest the same in such manner as the Lodge may have otherwise directed.

It shall purchase all supplies ordered by the Lodge and all blanks, books and stationery required by the Officers for the proper performance of their duties.

It shall establish an Accident Prevention Program, with one member designated as Accident Prevention Manager, to continually review and implement a policy, in concert with Grand Lodge and State Association programs, to protect the Lodge from claims for accidents and injuries.

It shall receive and hold the bonds of the Officers of the Lodge, and shall exercise a general supervision over the property of the Lodge, keeping an account of the same which shall show in detail the estimated value of such property; and it shall make such additions thereto from time to time as the Lodge may order. It shall present a written report of its transactions monthly, at the first regular meeting in each month.

The Board shall present, no later than the final regular meeting of the Lodge in April, to the Lodge a segregated Budget, making appropriations for each of the several objects for which the Lodge must or may provide, out of moneys known to be in the possession of the Lodge or estimated to come into it during the ensuing Lodge year, the Lodge year of the Lodge commencing as required by Statute, on April first.

Said Budget, either in its original or modified form, must be adopted by the Lodge at said meeting or the next following regular meeting. After such Budget has been adopted, all expenditures by the Lodge during the said Lodge year must be kept within the limits of the appropriations therein made. When a proposal is made for any expenditure in excess of such adopted Budget, such proposal shall be promptly referred to the Board for consideration and written recommendation to be filed no later than the next regular Lodge meeting. Such proposal may then be adopted by no fewer than two-thirds vote of the Lodge Members present at a regular meeting. Such Budget may include an item for contingent purposes to cover unforeseen emergencies of the Lodge, and funds therefrom may be appropriated by a two-thirds vote of the Members present, at a regular meeting. Any unexpended balances of appropriations contained in said Budget shall be available only for appropriation in the next following Lodge year in accordance with the Budget for that year.

It shall be the duty of the Board to see that the provisions of Sec. 16.050, Statutes of the Order, relating to the sale, lease, purchase, exchange, gift or substantial alteration of Lodge real estate, shall be strictly complied with.

(In Lodges where by By-Law a Budget Committee is provided for, the Budget shall be prepared by the Budget Committee and not by the Board, and the report of such Budget Committee made to the Lodge no later than the final regular meeting in April.)


Section 7. The duties of the Alternate Representative to the Grand Lodge shall be those prescribed by the Laws of the Order.


Section 1. Before his installation, the Exalted Ruler-elect shall appoint an Esquire, a Chaplain, an Inner Guard and a Tiler (and an Organist, and Vocalist, if an Organist or Vocalist is available), and after his installation, shall appoint one or more Presiding Justices of the Local Forum and one or more Mediators as provided by Sec. 13.020 of the Statutes of the Order.


Section 2. The Chaplain and the Inner Guard shall perform such duties as may be required by the confidential work, and such other duties as may be required of them by the Laws of the Order or the By-Laws of the Lodge.


Section 3. The Esquire shall organize the Lodge, examine and introduce candidates and visiting Members, superintend the confidential work and ballots for initiation and affiliation, and transmit official messages within the Lodge, as directed by the Exalted Ruler, and in all public displays by the Lodge he shall officiate as Marshal. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Laws of the Order or the By-Laws of the Lodge.


Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Tiler to attend at the outer door of the Lodge at all its regular and special meetings, and permit no person to enter without being satisfied of his right to do so, nor without previous announcement through the Inner Guard and formal permission of the Exalted Ruler. He shall require all Members to show their membership cards, and in addition require visiting Members to register their names in a book kept for that purpose. He shall remain at the Lodge rooms until the close of all meetings, whether business or social. He shall assume charge of all jewels, regalia, and other like Lodge property, and be held responsible for the same, seeing that it is in proper condition for all meetings of the Lodge, whether business or social. He shall furnish all necessary paraphernalia by order of the presiding Officer; have charge of the keys of the Lodge doors, and see that all property of the Lodge is stored in safety before leaving the Lodge rooms.


Section 5. The Mediator shall perform such duties as are provided for by the Laws of the Order.


Section 6. The Presiding Justice of the Local Forum shall perform such duties and exercise such powers as a member of said Forum as are provided for by the Laws of the Order.

Section 7. REMOVED: Lodge has no Organist.

Section 8. REMOVED: Lodge has no Vocalist.

Section 9. REMOVED: Lodge has no Degree Team.


Section 1. Nominations for offices to be filled at the annual election in Lodges shall be made in the order in which they appear in Section 2 of Article VII of the Constitution of the Order at any regular meeting of the Lodge on or after the 1st day of January if meetings are held monthly, or otherwise after the 1st day of February and prior to the date of the annual election. If no nomination for a particular office shall have been made prior to the date of such election, or if all candidates previously nominated for a particular office shall have declined or withdrawn, nominations for that office may be made on the date of election. If a Member has been nominated for more than one office, he must declare that he accepts one nomination and withdraw from other nominations before the close of the last regular meeting of the Lodge prior to the regular meeting at which the election is to be held, and if he does not do so, he must accept only the first nomination. No Member, unless nominated in accordance with this Section, shall be eligible to election at any such annual election. Only a Member in good standing shall be eligible for nomination to office in the Lodge of which he is a Member.

Section 2. The annual election shall be held at the second regular Lodge meeting held in February of each year.

Section 3. At all elections for Officers, the Exalted Ruler or a Past Exalted Ruler shall preside. He may appoint two Members to act as tellers to receive, sort and count the votes, and the ballot box must be placed in full view of the Lodge. The election shall be by written or printed ballot, uniform in size and color, which shall contain in regular order a list of the offices to be filled. If by written ballot, it shall conform to such other regulations as the Lodge may direct; if by printed ballot, it shall contain, beneath the title of each office to be filled, the names of the candidates for such offices, and there shall be a blank space beneath each office for which no one has been nominated previous to the night of election. When printed ballot is used, each Member voting shall indicate his choice by a checkmark placed opposite the name of each candidate he votes for, and the preparation and casting of each ballot shall be secret and without assistance, except in case of physical disability, and suitable arrangements therefor shall be made by the Lodge. No ballot shall be cast or counted other than ones provided by the Secretary. After all who are entitled to do so have voted, the ballot shall be declared closed; one of the tellers shall then examine each ballot singly and pass the same to his associate, who shall read the name or names written thereon, and the Secretary shall tally the same, from which tally list the presiding Officer shall announce the result to the Lodge, and shall declare the candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast duly elected. Should no nominee receive a majority of the votes, additional balloting shall be held eliminating from those ballots the nominee receiving the fewest votes on each ballot until a nominee shall receive the majority of the votes cast. When there is but one candidate in nomination, the Lodge may direct any Officer to cast the vote of the Lodge for such candidate. No Member who is in arrears for dues shall be entitled to vote.

Section 4. The Officers shall be installed at a regular or special meeting of the Lodge to be held after March 15th and no later than April 15th after election provided that the installation of Officers prior to April 1st shall be effective as of April 1st. Should any elective Officer fail without good cause to present himself for installation at the regular time for installation or at a regular meeting of the Lodge within thirty days thereafter, the Exalted Ruler shall declare the office, to which the party so failing to appear for installation has been elected, vacant.

Section 5. Whenever an elective office shall become vacant, or no person is nominated for or elected to an elective office in accordance with the provisions of Statutes of the Order 3.080 and 3.090, or a Member, who has been elected dies, resigns or is otherwise incapable of serving or who will not be available for installation following his election, the Exalted Ruler shall, no later than the second regular meeting thereafter, order an election to fill such office for the unexpired term thereof or the full term, as the case may be. The Exalted Ruler may, at any time he deems expedient or necessary, appoint any Member in good standing of the Lodge to fill the vacancy so created, until such office is filled by election as provided herein, such appointee to have full power and authority to do all acts necessary and required of the office to which appointed. However, should an Officer be called to active Armed Forces duty as defined in Section 12.140, the Exalted Ruler must appoint an acting Officer to serve for the remainder of that Officer's term with no election held. Whenever the number of the Trustees of the Lodge shall be increased by Lodge By-Law, the election of the additional Trustees shall be held at the next regular meeting.

Elections to fill vacancies arising in the preceding paragraph shall take place at the next regular meeting after said order. Nominations for office may be made at the meeting when the Exalted Ruler orders the election and again at the meeting when the election is held. The vacancy caused by the election of another elective Officer to fill such vacancy may be filled at the same meeting. The voting procedure to fill a vacancy shall be governed by Section 3.090.


Section 1. At the next regular meeting after his installation, the Exalted Ruler shall appoint the following Committees:

(a) An Auditing & Accounting Committee consisting of no fewer than three members, none of whom can be the Lodge Secretary or Treasurer, a Trustee or a member of the Supervising or Managing Body of the Club, Social Parlor or other Lodge facility. The Auditing & Accounting Committee shall:

  1. Be charged with making all arrangements for completion and submission of the Lodge’s Annual Financial Report to Grand Lodge and all required governmental agencies by June 15th for all entities of the Lodge whose fiscal year ends March 31st, in accordance with Sec. 13.040 of the Laws of the Order and the provisions of the Grand Lodge Auditing, Accounting & Management Manual.

  2. Secure a financial report of any other entity affiliated with the Lodge, having a fiscal year ending other than March 31st, within sixty days after the close of that fiscal year

  3. Require the use by the Lodge of the Uniform Chart of Accounts provided for in Sec. 4.330 of the Laws of the Order.

  4. Review the year-to-date financial affairs and compliance with the approved budget of the Lodge in the months of July, October and January, and report at the last regular meeting of those months.

  5. Act on other financial matters as the Lodge may direct.

(b) An Activities Committee, consisting of no fewer than three members, which shall be charged with the following:

  1. Implement the drug awareness program and the Hoop Shoot® program, of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge.

  2. Supervise all matters pertaining to Lodge activities of civic, social, and community interest, including one program solely identified as Elks-sponsored within the jurisdiction of the Lodge, and develop community projects that emphasize the charitable works of the Order.

  3. Prepare, supervise, and conduct programs for the youth of the community, and implement all youth programs of the Lodge, the State Association, and the Grand Lodge.

(c) A Fraternal Committee, consisting of no fewer than three members, which shall be charged with the following:

  1. Implement the patriotic activities planned by the Grand Lodge and cooperate with other local organizations in fostering patriotic community endeavors.

  2. Prepare and carry out all arrangements for Flag Day services as required by the provisions of Section 2.030.

  3. Prepare, supervise, and conduct a planned program for indoctrination of candidates and their families prior to initiation in order that all candidates and their families may become fully informed as to the good works of the Order of Elks.

  4. Investigate the character of all applicants for membership and reinstatement, personally interview all applicants, verify the statements in their application, and report at the next regular meeting of the Lodge.

  5. Secure applications for membership in the Order, investigate and report on all delinquencies in Lodge dues, encourage delinquent Members to pay their dues and avoid being dropped from the rolls of the Lodge, and promote the reinstatement of lapsed Members. The committee shall regularly report to the Lodge on membership.

  6. Implement the Lodge activities program of the Lodge, its State Association, and the Grand Lodge.

  7. Arrange for the observance of Elks Memorial Day as required by the provisions of Section 2.020.

  8. Publicize the Elks National Foundation, promote its programs, activities, and charities, encourage and solicit contributions, and recognize all gifts made to the Foundation.

  9. Implement the programs of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission within the Lodge in furtherance of service to veterans, assist when called upon by the Armed Forces of the United States, respond to any call for aid and cooperation requested by the government in any emergency, and be available to assist in the event of disaster in any area of the United States.

(d) A Public Relations Committee, consisting of no fewer than three members, which shall be charged with implementing the Public Relations Program of the Lodge, its State Association and the Grand Lodge.

Section 2. Special Committees may be appointed upon any item of business, and may consist of as many members as the Lodge in its discretion may think proper. The Treasurer of the Lodge shall be Treasurer ex-officio of every such special committee and he shall receive all funds coming to said committee and make disbursements therefrom as authorized by the Lodge.

Section 3. In case of the neglect of the Chairman to call a meeting in proper time, any member or members of a committee shall have power to call together as many members of the same as are accessible, and to consider the matter submitted by the Lodge; and they shall be empowered to report their conclusions to the Lodge, either jointly or individually.

Section 4. All members of committees, after notice of their appointment, shall give patient and diligent attention to the business entrusted to them, and report to the Lodge at the next stated meeting subsequent to their appointment, unless otherwise ordered by the Lodge.

All reports (except reports of progress) shall be made in writing, and signed by a majority. If a minority report be made, it shall be presented at the same meeting with the majority report.

Section 5. Every committee shall have authority and power to call for such books, documents, papers and other articles as it may deem necessary to a correct understanding of the subject under consideration, or the business it shall have been charged with; and every Member of the Lodge notified to appear before a committee, or to produce books, papers, or other articles in his possession or under his control, shall, unless excused by the committee, attend at the time and the place specified, and continue his attendance until dismissed, and every witness who is an Elk called to testify in the matter shall give all information in his possession or be subject to trial for violation of his obligation.

Section 6. The Lodge shall have a Past Exalted Rulers Association or Advisory Committee which shall consist of all of the Past Exalted Rulers, as defined in Section 1.140 of the Statutes of the Order, which shall advise with and extend its counsel to all Lodge Officers and Committees, and shall have the following duties, subject to the limitations imposed by the Constitution and Statutes of the Order:

  1. To elect its own Officers.

  2. To adopt rules for the conduct of its business.

  3. To hold meetings and to specify the dates of such meetings.

  4. To make recommendations for Lodge Committee appointments and candidates for office.

  5. To assist the Exalted Ruler.

  6. To engage in and make recommendations in other activities which will promote the good of the Lodge and of the Order.


Section 1. The operation, management and control of the Home, Club or other facility owned and/or occupied by this Lodge shall be supervised and conducted by: A House Committee consisting of nine Members to be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.

The supervising or managing body of the Home, Club or other facility provided for herein, shall be subject to the control and direction of the Lodge, except those actions and decisions pertaining to an employment relationship and the fixing of prices for goods and services.

Section 2. The supervising or managing body of the Home, Club or other facility  shall have power to suspend a Member from Home, Club or other facility privileges for a period not exceeding one (1) year, for violation of rules adopted by the Lodge for such Home, Club or other facility, or conduct unbecoming an Elk on the Club premises, after ten (10) days written notice to such Member served personally or by regular first-class mail and after a hearing before such supervising or managing body.

An appeal to the Lodge may be taken by a Member suspended as hereinbefore provided by serving a Notice of Appeal, by personal service or by certified mail return receipt requested, upon the Secretary of the Lodge, no later than 10 days after receipt of written notice of suspension. The execution of suspension shall be automatically stayed upon service of the Notice of Appeal, as stated, pending disposition of the Appeal by the Lodge. The Secretary shall report the filing of Appeal forthwith to the Exalted Ruler and to the Lodge at its next regular meeting and the Exalted Ruler shall thereupon order Hearing of the Appeal at a regular meeting of the Lodge to be determined by him to be held no later than 45 days thereafter. Notice in writing of Hearing of the Appeal shall be given by the Secretary to the membership 10 days prior to the date specified therefore. Hearing of the Appeal by the Lodge shall be conducted by the Exalted Ruler and the Decision thereon determined by an affirmative secret ballot of two-thirds vote of the Members present. The Lodge may modify or reverse the action appealed from and its Decision shall be executed forthwith.

A Member owing any indebtedness to the Lodge, Home, Club or other facility mentioned herein may be dropped from the rolls of the Lodge in the manner specified in Sec. 14.170, Statutes of the Order.

Section 3. The supervising or managing body of the Home, Club or other facility mentioned herein shall present to the Lodge for approval, on or before the final regular Lodge meeting in April of each year, a separate and comprehensive budget, and shall likewise submit to the Lodge a monthly written report showing its financial condition and the condition of its budget, as provided in Sec. 16.040, Statutes of the Order.

The supervising or managing body of the Club shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and needed special meetings called by the Chairman. It shall keep minutes of each meeting of the supervising or managing body of the Club. The Exalted Ruler shall be given the same notice of all meetings of the supervising or managing body of the Club, and in the same manner, as is given to the other members of the supervising or managing body of the Club.


Section 1. The fee for initiation in this Lodge for an applicant who has passed his twenty-sixth birthday shall be $349.00, all of which should accompany the proposition.

The fee for initiation in this Lodge for an applicant making application prior to his twenty-sixth birthday shall be $349.00, all of which should accompany the proposition.

The Lodge has not adopted a $1 reduced initiation fee.

Section 2.

On or before April 1st of each year, all Members, including Life Members, shall pay the Grand Lodge per capita fee, Grand Lodge per capita insurance assessment, and State Association dues, in addition to the appropriate regular or Life Member dues as specified in the remainder of this Section.

All Lodge dues hereafter specified shall be payable: semi-annually, in advance, on the first days of April and October in each year, unless the Member chooses to pay the full year's Lodge dues on or before April 1st

The regular Lodge dues shall be $600.00 per year, which shall not include the Grand Lodge per capita fee, the Grand Lodge per capita insurance assessment, and State Association dues.

The regular Lodge dues shall be $600 beginning on 4/1/2024, $650 on 4/1/2025 and $700 beginning on 4/1/2026. The regular Lodge dues do not include the Grand Lodge per capital fee, the Grand Lodge per capita insurance assessment, and State Association dues.

In addition to the amounts set forth under (a) above, each Life Member and/or Honorary Life Member shall pay $300.00 towards Lodge administration expense.

In addition to the amounts set forth under (a) above, each Life Member and/or Honorary Life Member shall pay half of the regular Lodge dues towards Lodge administration expense. 

Each Associate Member shall pay an annual fee in the amount of $600.00 in advance.

The annual fee paid by each Associate Member shall be equal to the current regular Lodge dues.

Section 3. The reinstatement fee for an Elk holding an Absolute Dimit from this Lodge shall be $349.00. The affiliation fee for an Elk holding a Transfer Dimit from another Lodge shall be $349.00.  The affiliation fee for an Elk holding an Absolute Dimit from another Lodge shall be $349.00 dollars. The fee for affiliation for an unaffiliated Elk holding a Certificate of Release from another Lodge shall be $31.50 dollars. The application for an unaffiliated Elk holding an Absolute Dimit from another Lodge or a Certificate of Release from another Lodge, who has been a bona fide resident within the jurisdiction of this Lodge preceding his application for membership herein, and the application of one holding an Absolute Dimit from this Lodge or who applies for membership on a Transfer Dimit, will be received and acted upon by this Lodge in the same manner as original applications for membership. An applicant seeking affiliation by Absolute Dimit or Certificate of Release shall pay to this Lodge the fee above specified and a proportionate share of the current dues of this Lodge prorated in the same manner as the dues of a new Member. An applicant seeking affiliation by Transfer Dimit shall pay to this Lodge the affiliation fee above specified and dues for the period commencing with the period after which he has paid dues to the Lodge which granted the Transfer Dimit.

Section 4. Upon application for reinstatement, a Member whose name has been stricken from the rolls of this Lodge for non-payment of dues or debt may have his name restored to the rolls of the membership of the Lodge upon a secret ballot at a regular meeting of the Lodge taken upon such application. If the applicant receives a number of white balls at least equal to two-thirds of the votes cast, he shall be declared reinstated; but if he receives a number of white balls less than an amount equal to two-thirds of the votes cast, he shall be declared to be rejected, without prejudice to a future application after a lapse of six months thereafter. Before such reinstatement, the applicant shall pay to the Lodge a reinstatement fee of $349.00, and in addition thereto, a proportionate share of the current dues, prorated in the same manner as the dues of a new Member, together with any indebtedness owing to the Lodge or Club.

The Lodge has not adopted a $1 reduced reinstatement fee.

If application is made within sixty (60) days of the date on which he is dropped from the rolls, he shall be reinstated as a Member in good standing.

Section 5. The dues of any Member who is sick or in distress may be remitted by a vote of no less than the majority of those present at a regular meeting of the Lodge. The dues of a Member who is serving in a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States may be remitted during a period of war in which the United States is engaged, or during a period when service is made compulsory by Act of Congress of the United States, or during a period of national emergency proclaimed by the President of the United States.

Section 6. All dues from Members shall be paid to the Lodge through the Secretary, who shall then promptly issue the Member a membership card.

A Member delinquent and owing at least five months’ dues to the Lodge shall be dropped from the rolls any time during the month of March each year without the vote of the Lodge thereon.  The effective date for dropping the Member shall be not later than March 31, provided the delinquent dues are not paid.

The procedure to drop a delinquent Member shall be as follows:

(a) Any time during time during the month of February each year, the Secretary shall give notice by first class mail informing the Member that such Member may be dropped if dues are not paid within 30 days of mailing the notice.

(b) At the time the Secretary gives notice to the Member, the Secretary shall post a list of all Members given notice on the Lodge Bulletin Board and report the posting of the list at the next Lodge Meeting.

(c) The notice shall confirm to the delinquent Member that during the period of delinquency the Member is not entitled to the privileges of membership and that in the event of being dropped for nonpayment of dues, the Member can only be reinstated in the manner provided by the Laws of the Order.

A Member owing any indebtedness to the Lodge or Club may be dropped from the rolls of the Lodge in the manner specified in Sec. 14.170, Statutes of the Order.

Section 7. An applicant for a Dimit from this Lodge, whether the same be a Transfer Dimit or an Absolute Dimit, before receiving such Dimit, shall discharge his entire indebtedness to the Lodge, including all of his dues in full for the period within which said application for a Dimit is filed, and provided further, he shall pay in full the Grand Lodge assessment for the current Lodge year. Further, the holder of a Transfer Dimit addressed to a Lodge in the process of organization shall continue to pay dues to this Lodge through the date of institution of the new Lodge and the completion of his affiliation therewith.

Section 8. The Initiation fee and dues of any applicant who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who meets the criteria stated in Section 5 may be remitted by a vote of no less than the majority of those present at a regular meeting of the Lodge.


Section 1. All applications for help shall be referred to the Standing Relief Committee which shall examine their merits and recommend aid or relief according to the circumstances of the case.

Section 2. When a worthy Elk of this Lodge is destitute, unable to procure employment after diligent efforts, and actually without the necessities of life, he may make application in writing to the Lodge, or during the intervals between the meetings of the Lodge, to the Standing Relief Committee and may, if found worthy, be assisted from funds of the Lodge to a sufficient extent to provide him with the necessaries only.


Section 1. This Lodge shall not have the power to loan its funds to any of its Members, except as authorized by Sec. 13.010 of the Statutes of the Order.

Section 2. Members of this Lodge, whether serving upon committees or in their private capacity, shall not have power to incur any expense in the name of, or for account of, the Lodge, without first obtaining its consent thereto, except as elsewhere provided.


Section 1. No orders for the payment of bills against the Lodge shall be signed by the Exalted Ruler and Secretary until such bills have been approved by a majority vote at a regular meeting of the Lodge.

Section 2. The Treasurer may pay recurring bills upon the approval of the Board of Trustees (or Board of Directors as may be applicable) without obtaining prior Lodge approval. Any such payment shall be reported at the next Lodge meeting.

Section 3. The Treasurer may designate a specific member of the Board of Trustees (or Board of Directors as may be applicable), or chair officer, subject to Lodge approval, to sign Lodge checks in the Treasurer's absence. Any such designee shall be bonded in the same amount as the Treasurer.

Section 4. When bills against the Lodge shall result from the transactions of a committee, either standing or special, each said bill, before being accepted and ordered paid, shall first be endorsed as approved or disapproved, as the case may be, by the committee responsible for the creation of the bill.


Section 1. The Lodge year and fiscal year of this Lodge shall end with the last day of March of each year.


Section 1. The Lodge shall be guided in its deliberations by the Rules of Order approved by the Lodge and annexed hereto. It shall be the duty of the Exalted Ruler to see that they are strictly enforced.

Section 2. The current version of “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” shall be the guide for any parliamentary rules not especially provided for in said Rules of Order.


Section 1. The Lodge does not recognize any Lodge auxiliaries.

Section 2. The Lodge does not recognize any Adjunct Organizations.


Section 1. All amendments and revisions to the By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules of this Lodge shall be proposed in writing, read at a regular meeting of the Lodge, and laid over for a vote thereon at a regular Lodge meeting to be held not less than two weeks nor more than ten weeks thereafter. Notice, in writing, setting forth in full any proposed amendment or revision of the By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules, shall be sent by the Secretary to all Members of the Lodge at least ten days before the regular meeting at which said proposed amendment or revision is to be voted upon. A majority vote of all Members present at the regular meeting designated for consideration of such amendment or revision to such By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules shall be required for its adoption. But any action, Statute or edict of the Grand Lodge altering these By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules shall have the effect of an amendment without any further action of this Lodge, and any Article or Section of these By-Laws requiring temporary suspension for the purpose of acting upon a dispensation granted by the Grand Lodge, or its properly authorized Officer, shall be, without further action of this Lodge, considered temporarily suspended.

All proposed amendments to these By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules, in conflict with the Laws of the Order, are void, and shall be declared out of order by the Exalted Ruler.

No By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules or amendments thereto shall take effect until submitted to the designated member of the Committee on Judiciary of the Grand Lodge, and approved by him.



Section 1. Palo Alto Elks Endowment Fund is established to provide funds for the maintenance, improvement and replacement of Lodge buildings and equipment.

The principal or corpus of the fund shall remain intact and guaranteed against invasion. Investment of the fund shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees.

At the next regular session after the Exalted Ruler is installed, the Exalted Ruler shall appoint an Endowment Fund Committee to consist of not less than three members. The primary duty of such committee shall be to publicize the Endowment Fund, to encourage and solicit contributions, and to appropriately recognize all gifts made to the fund.

The earnings from the funds shall be transferred to a “Special Fund Line Item” in the Lodge Budget, and utilized by the Trustees in preparing the yearly budget. The “Special Fund Line Item” shall be used only against maintenance, improvement or replacement of Lodge buildings and equipment, thus conforming with the original intent of the fund. The Trustees shall report the earnings accumulated from the fund on the floor of the Lodge, when submitting the Lodge Budget in April

Section 2. Palo Alto Elks Lodge Preservation Fund is established to provide funds for maintenance, improvement or replacement of Lodge building and equipment.

The principal or corpus of the fund shall remain intact and guaranteed against invasion,  except that the Lodge may borrow from the fund at current bank interest rates, after proper notice to the membership announcing the date the proposal will be voted on by the Lodge. Three-quarters majority vote of Members present shall be required for approval of such loan.

At the next regular session after the Exalted Ruler is installed the Exalted Ruler shall appoint a Preservation Fund Committee to consist of not less than three members. The primary duty of such committee shall be to publicize the Lodge Preservation Fund, to encourage and solicit contributions, and to appropriately recognize all gifts made to the fund.

Investment of the fund shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees.

The earnings from the funds shall be transferred into a “Special Fund Line Item” in the Lodge Budget, and utilized by the Trustees in preparing the yearly budget, and utilized by the Trustees in preparing the yearly budget. The “Special Fund Line Item” shall be used only against maintenance, improvement or replacement of Lodge building and equipment, thus conforming with the original intent of the fund. The Trustees shall report the earning accumulated from the fund on the floor of the Lodge, when submitting the Lodge Budget in April.


  1. The Lodge may, if it chooses, form a separate corporation for the Home, Club, Real Property or other facility owned by the Lodge. The membership, Officers and Directors, terms of office, corporate powers, keeping of books and records, and the operation by the corporation of any such facility herein provided for, and any other matter relating thereto, shall be in strict accord with the Statutes of the Order and amendments thereto, particularly Sec. 16.030, concerning the formation, operation and dissolution of such separate corporation.

  2. Should such separate corporation be formed and hereafter dissolved, all property owned, held or controlled by it shall thereupon be transferred and distributed by its Board of Directors to this Lodge or to some other non-profit organization, fund, corporation or trust forming a part of or controlled by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America.

  3. If the Lodge does not desire to form such separate corporation, the Home, Club or other facility above mentioned shall in such event be managed and supervised, subject to the control or direction of the Lodge, by one of the following methods as determined by the Lodge and shown in the By-Laws

    By the Exalted Ruler, Esteemed Leading Knight, Esteemed Loyal Knight, Esteemed Lecturing Knight, and the Trustees of the Lodge; or

    By the Trustees of the Lodge; or

    By a House Committee consisting of not less than 3 nor more than 13 members, to be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.

  4. If a separate corporation is formed, Sec. 16.030, Statutes of the Order, must be strictly complied with and the Board of Directors of said separate corporation shall be the supervising or managing body of the Home, Club or other incorporated facility. Articles of Incorporation and Corporation By-Laws must be approved by the Committee on Judiciary. The provisions of Sec. 16.020, Statutes of the Order, paragraphs 2 and 4 in particular, should be followed with reference to notice, resolution to convey property, etc.

    Suggested forms containing the minimum required provisions for proposed Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws are contained in the Appendix of the Annotated Statutes.

    Also, see the Appendix of the Annotated Statutes for suggested forms of Resolution and Certificates which may be changed to apply to separate (rather than Lodge) corporations.

    The Grand Secretary's office does not provide such forms. Individual Lodges must prepare the documents from these Appendix-suggested forms.

    See Sec. 16.020, Statutes of the Order, for Lodge Corporations, Officers and Trustees.

Rules of Order

  1. When the Exalted Ruler takes the chair, the Officers shall take their positions and the members be seated, and at the sound of the gavel there shall be general silence. The Exalted Ruler shall then instruct the Esquire to organize the Lodge. That Officer shall then see that the doors are properly closed and guarded, and the Officers clothed in proper regalia, and report to the Exalted Ruler. The Lodge shall then be opened in due form.

  2. The Exalted Ruler shall preserve order and pronounce the decision of the Lodge on all subjects; he shall decide all questions of order without debate, subject to an appeal to the Lodge by any member who may dissent from the same, which appeal must be seconded, when the question shall be: “Shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgment of the Lodge?” on which no Member shall speak more than once without special permission of the Lodge, which must be granted or withheld without debate. The question of an appeal, and all questions which arise while it is pending, shall be taken and announced or decided by the Exalted Ruler.

  3. No question shall be stated unless moved and seconded, nor be open for discussion until stated by the Exalted Ruler; and when a question is before the Lodge the only motions in order shall be:

    • To lay on the table.

    • The previous question.

    • To indefinitely postpone.

    • To postpone to a certain day.

    • To recommit.

    • To refer.

    • To amend.

      They shall take precedence in the order here arranged, and the first two shall be decided without debate.

  4. On the call of three members for the previous question, the Exalted Ruler shall put the question in this form: “Shall the main question now be put?” If the motion is carried, the vote shall first be put upon all pending amendments, after which upon the main question.

  5. No motion shall be made by one Member while another is speaking. And no motion shall be made or seconded without rising and addressing the Exalted Ruler, and he shall not recognize a motion or second made contrary to this rule.

  6. If, on taking a vote upon any question (except in balloting for Officers), the members are evenly divided, it then becomes the duty of the Exalted Ruler to give the casting vote; in doing which he may, if he desires, give his reasons.

  7. Any Member making a motion shall reduce the same to writing, at the request of the Exalted Ruler or any Member. Resolutions shall be presented in writing, signed by the Member offering the same; and in either case they shall not be before the Lodge until they are read or stated by the Exalted Ruler or the Secretary.

  8. When any communication, petition or memorial is presented, a brief statement of its contents shall be made before it is read, and after it has been read a brief notice of its purport shall be entered on the minutes.

  9. When the reading of any paper is called for, and an objection is made by any Member, it shall be determined by a vote of the Lodge.

  10. No member shall be interrupted while speaking, except it be to call him to order, or for the purpose of explanation.

  11. If, during a Member’s remarks, any other Member should desire to give information pertinent to the subject and short in its nature, or to ask a question of the same character, to be answered by the Member having the floor, he must rise and request, through the Exalted Ruler, the Member having the floor for permission to that effect, and if refused, shall immediately resume his seat, the floor still remaining in possession of the first mentioned Member, but no Member shall keep the floor for more than five minutes if any objection be made.

  12. If a Member while speaking, be called to order, he shall at the request of the Exalted Ruler, take his seat until the question of order is determined, when, if permitted, he will again resume.

  13. When a Member has occasion to make any verbal communication to the Lodge, motion or otherwise, he shall rise in his place and address himself to the Exalted Ruler by his proper title, who shall thereupon announce the Member to the Lodge as having the floor by calling the name of the same. Until thus recognized by the Exalted Ruler, no Member shall attempt to speak.

  14. Members shall confine themselves to the question under debate, and avoid personalities and indecorous and sarcastic language.

  15. If two or more Members endeavor to obtain the floor at the same time, the Member first addressing the Exalted Ruler by his proper title, and first heard by him, shall be adjudged the floor; and no Member shall speak more than once on the same subject or question until all who wish to speak shall have had an opportunity to do so, nor more than twice, without the permission of the Exalted Ruler. Each Member while speaking shall designate the Officer or Member spoken of by his proper title, according to his standing in the Order.

  16. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the highest sum or number, and the longest time proposed.

  17. Before putting the question, the Exalted Ruler shall ask, "Is the Lodge ready for the question?" When, if no member rises to speak, he shall rise and put the question, and after he has risen for that purpose, no further discussion or motions shall be entertained until the question has been decided. While the Exalted Ruler is addressing the Lodge, or putting the question, silence shall be observed in the Lodge.

  18. After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided, any Member who voted with the majority may, at the same meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof, but no discussion of the main question shall be allowed unless reconsidered. A motion to reconsider a vote to reconsider cannot be entertained. Where a motion to reconsider has been adopted at a meeting following the first vote, and notice to Lodge members on the proposal was originally required, a new notice must then be given in the same manner on the second vote, the same as on the original motion.

  19. A motion to rescind can only be carried by a two-thirds vote of all Members present.

  20. When a Member has been called to order for manifestation of temper or improper conduct, he shall not be permitted to speak again at that session upon the same subject, unless by permission of the Lodge.

  21. In speaking on points of order, the Exalted Ruler shall have the precedence; but he cannot speak on any other subject, unless to state the facts within his own knowledge.

  22. No Member shall retire without permission of the Exalted Ruler. During opening and closing of the Lodge, reading of minutes, and initiation, the door shall be closed.

  23. Any Member having made a motion may withdraw it, with the consent of his second, before it is debated, but not afterwards without permission of the Lodge.

  24. When a majority report is followed by a report from the minority of a committee, the former, after being read, shall lie upon the table until the latter has been presented; after which, on motion, either may be considered.

  25. No motion to adjourn can be entertained; but when the regular order of business shall have been completed, the Lodge shall be closed in due form.

The foregoing Order of Business, By-Laws and Rules of Order are hereby approved by the Committee on Judiciary.


THOMAS M. ZISA, Chairperson


2019-2020 Committee on Judiciary




The purpose of these House Rules is to insure that the facilities are operated efficiently to provide maximum service and enjoyment to both Members and guests. It is the responsibility of all Members of Palo Alto Lodge #1471 to review and comply with the House Rules when adopted and approved in accordance with Section 17.060 of the Grand Lodge Statutes. Nothing in these House Rules is intended to be in conflict with any Grand Lodge Statute or California laws or applicable local ordinances and regulations. If any section, subsection, provision, or part thereof is declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions of these House Rules shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect.




  1.  In accordance with Section 14.130 of the Grand Lodge Statutes, the use of the Home and Club facilities of Palo Alto Lodge #1471 shall be limited to Members in good standing in the Order and their spouses and guests, so as to preserve the privacy of the use of these facilities to Members of the Order.

  2.  It is the policy of Palo Alto Elks Lodge #1471 to provide and maintain an environment free from harassment on the basis sex, race, or any other status protected by law. Sexual harassment may be defined as any unwelcome advance, request for favors and/or any other objectionable verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Lodge/Club Members, guests, and employees are expected to maintain a workplace and Lodge/Club environment which is free from unlawful discrimination and to conduct themselves in such a way as to ensure that no discrimination occurs in any action with respect to employment compensation, benefits, promotion, reclassification, disciplinary actions or any other working conditions. Harassment and discrimination undermine the integrity of the employment relationship and the self-esteem of the individual to whom they are directed. All employees must be allowed to work in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcome comments or conduct. 

Any Member aware of harassment or discrimination should promptly take appropriate steps to report same, in writing, to the Chairman of the House Committee and the Exalted Ruler. Any Member or employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

  3.  The days and Hours of Operation of the Lodge/Club facilities will be established by the House Committee and posted in the appropriate areas.

  4.  The term “Member” shall be defined as stated in Grand Lodge Statutes (Section 1.090). No dropped or delinquent member can be signed in as a guest.

  5.  Members, and guests shall conduct themselves in a proper and orderly manner at all times. Loud, boisterous, vulgar behavior, profanity and other poor conduct is not permitted.

  6.  All Members shall display a current signed Membership Card upon request of an Officer or employee in charge prior to obtaining service or use of the Lodge/Club facilities.

  7.  Membership cards must only be used only by the Member they were issued to. Access cards must only be used by the Member or the spouse of a paid family that they were issued to; unless otherwise provided herein, children of a Member shall be accompanied by the Member or the spouse of a paid family. No children or guests may be on premise without the Member or spouse of a paid family present on-site.

  8.  No outside food or beverages may be brought into the Lodge/Club facilities. Exceptions must be approved by the House Committee.

  9.  No alcoholic beverages, of any type, may be brought into the Lodge/Club facilities. Exceptions must be approved by the House Committee.

10.  No gambling is allowed unless sanctioned by the House Committee and in accordance with Section 9.150 of the Grand Lodge Statutes.

  • Weapons and firearms are not allowed anywhere in the Lodge/Club facility or Lodge/Club grounds. Exceptions must be approved by the House Committee.

  • Illicit drugs (possession or usage) are not permitted anywhere in the Lodge/Club facility or on Lodge grounds.

11.  Smoking is not permitted in the Lodge/Club facility or within the gated perimeter of the Lodge/Club building.

12.  The Lodge/Club is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of personal property.

13.  Pets are not allowed in the Lodge/Club facilities or on the Lodge/Club grounds except for certified service animals.

14.  All visiting Members and guests must sign in at Visitor’s Register located in the front office Lobby entrance. Associated guest fees, if applicable, are to be paid at the front office or in the bar when the front office is closed.

15.  The kitchen and bar work areas are off-limits to all Members and guests, unless otherwise authorized.

16. The Lodge is cashless. Payments for the Bar, Bistro, Gym/Pool day use fees, and Elks Events may only be paid electronically meaning by the use of the following: credit/debit card, web site or other not named electrical means. Raffle Ticket Sales may only be sold via cash. The House Committee reserves the right to alter the cashless rule on a per event basis and it will be publicized in advance.

17.  No advertisements, promotions, solicitations or material of any nature, shall be permitted in the Lodge/Club facilities, except for Lodge/Club purposes or activities.

18.  Members and guests are not permitted to give orders to or reprimand employees.

19.  Complaints relating to the operation of the Lodge/Club or violation of any House Rules shall be submitted, in writing, to the Chairman of the House Committee and the Exalted Ruler. Complaints shall be signed by the complaining party and include the party’s Lodge membership number. Complaints will be handled in accordance with Section 16.040 of the Grand Lodge Statutes.

20.  No Lodge/Club property shall be removed from the premises without the knowledge and written consent of the Board of Trustees.

21.  Appropriate attire shall be worn at all times in the Lodge/Club. No wet clothing, or towel wraps are allowed in the Lodge/Club facility. Shirts and shoes are required at all times.

22.  Bartenders have the right to refuse alcoholic beverages to persons appearing to be inebriated or who have imbibed to excess. The over service or consumption of alcohol as defined by local law or ordinance is strictly prohibited; this rule shall be applicable to all Members, Officers, and employees of the Lodge pursuant to GL Statutes 17.052.

23.  Only Members can buy drinks in the bar. 

24.  When a Member brings a guest into the Lodge/Club, the Member is responsible for the conduct of the guest.

25.  All children under the age of sixteen (16) years of age must be accompanied by a Member or spouse at all times.   

26.  No one under the age of twenty-one (21) is allowed in the bar area.

27.  Glass plates or glassware are not permitted outside of the main building Bistro, Dining Room and Bar facilities. Only paper, plastic or non-glass containers are allowed in the pool deck and barbeque areas.

28.  All proposed decorations and signage must receive prior approval by the House Committee. Any approved decorations must be promptly removed after the event.

29.  The use of tape, glue, nails, screws, staples, tacks or other fasteners are prohibited to attach anything on Lodge/Club property. The use of paint or chalk is also prohibited. Exceptions may be approved by the House Committee.

30.  Special rules regarding the use, care, safety, clean-up, maintenance and setup requirements of a particular part of the Lodge/Club facility are posted in that area and must be followed.

31.  It is expected that all members comply with instructions and guidance provided by the House Committee Officers, Lodge Officers and Employess of the Lodge at all times. There may be rare occasions where the safety and security of the Lodge, its Members and the staff require deviation from standard operating procedures. As a resonsible Member, it is important to uphold the integrity of the decision making process.




  1.  Billiard balls may be picked up at the Lodge/Club office or the bar upon submission of a current Membership Card. Membership Card will be returned when the billiard balls are returned.

  2.  No food or drinks allowed on the billiard or pool tables.

  3.  Cue sticks must be returned to the cue racks after play.

  4.  Billiard Room curtains and blinds are to remain closed.

  5.  Sitting on the tables is strictly prohibited. During play the player must have one foot on the ground/floor when shooting.



  1.  No food or drinks allowed on the felt covered tables.

  2.  Conversation and other noise shall be kept to a minimum to allow the use by others without distractions.



  1.  Admission to the Athletic Facilities (exercise, fitness, sauna, steam and Jacuzzi rooms and handball/racquetball courts) is allowed by possession of a current access Key Card.

  2.  All Members must shower before using the sauna, steam or Jacuzzi rooms.

  3.  Lockers are available for use and rental. Only locks purchased from the Lodge/Club office may be used for the lockers. Locker rentals are available at the Lodge/Club office for a charge. Unauthorized locks will be removed.

  4.  Lockers are not allowed to be used to store odious content; and, if so, the contents will be removed and disposed of within 30 days.

  5.  Unless otherwise authorized, no food or drinks (except for water) or glassware are allowed in the Athletic Facilities.

  6.  Unless otherwise authorized, children under the age of fourteen (14) are not allowed to use the sauna, steam or Jacuzzi rooms.

  7.  Loofa sponges are only allowed in the shower areas.

  8.  Appropriate gym attire and shoes must be worn when using the fitness equipment.

  9.  Fitness equipment must be wiped clean after use.



  1. Members are required to treat other individuals (including members, staff, guests, and children) and the facilities with kindness and respect. Please remember that this is a community as well as a shared space. Be respectful of another Member’s ability to equally use and enjoy the space.

  2. All Members and guests must check in and be issued a wristband at the pool shack. Members must pay a $20 fee per adult guest, which can be paid at the pool shack only using a credit card or debit card. The guest fee for additional children is $5.

    • Members with a family athletic membership may bring in their immediate family (spouse/partner and children under 21 years of age), at no additional cost.

    • Members with a single athletic membership must pay for all guests including any immediate family member.

    • There is a max of four children and two adult guests per member, per day. Up to two child passes are included with every adult guest.

  3. The House Committee may revoke a Member’s privileges, temporarily or permanently, for any Member who violates these rules.

  4. There are no lifeguards on duty. 

  5. Appropriate swim attire is required. No blue jeans or cut-offs are allowed in the pool or hot tub.

  6. Children who are not toilet-trained are required to wear swim diapers. In the event of a fecal or other contamination incident, associated cleanup costs will be billed to the Member.

  7. No food or beverages may be consumed in the pool or hot tub.  No glass of any type is permitted in the pool area.

  8. No outside food or beverages are allowed (except for outside food during booked pool parties). Members with special dietary restrictions may contact the Exalted Ruler for an exception. 

  9. Please clean up after yourself, including food, beverage, and trash. Avoid leaving food unattended and uncovered.

  10. Members must always supervise their children. Please ensure that children are respectful of other individuals, responsible with the facilities, and acting safely. 

  11. Children under the age of 12 are not allowed into the Locker Room without their parent or guardian present.  

  12. Children under 16 may only be in the hot tub only with immediate adult supervision. Please be aware the hot tub temperature may be unsafe for young children.

  13. Adult Swim: During adult swim time (approximately 10 mins, every hour), staff may ask children (under age 16) to clear the pool and hot tub. Please encourage your children to use this time for the bathroom, water, or snack break.

  14. No diving is permitted.

  15. Running, wrestling, pushing, dunking, rough housing, or other inappropriate behavior is prohibited. No individual is permitted to play or hang on the pool lane lines.  

  16. Squirt toys, such as water guns, are not permitted in either the pool or the hot tub.  

  17. Flotation devices and other pool toys are not permitted in the hot tub.

  18. No one is permitted in the pool or Jacuzzi if they have an infectious disease or open sore.  Persons having currently active diarrhea or who have had active diarrhea within the previous 14 days shall not be allowed to enter the pool or jacuzzi water. 

  19. Lap Lanes Hours: 

    • Between 6am and 11am, swim lanes are reserved for lap swimmers and swim lessons. 

    • Please book a lane online ( or through the Elks app (

    • After 11am, swim lanes 1 and 2 (the farthest from the shallow area) are available for drop-in no reservation lap swimming. Priority is to be granted to lap swimmers during this time. 

  20. Swim lessons:

    • May not use the lap lanes after 11am.

    • Swim lessons: Between Memorial Day and Labor Day are not allowed are not allowed on weekends and holidays from 2pm - 6pm.

    • Guest fees for non-athletic members must be paid before swim lessons begin. 

    • Members are responsible for meeting and ensuring that their swim instructor leaves at the conclusion of the lesson.

  21. Children’s or Adult pool parties may be booked online ( or through the Elks app (



  1.  The permanent BBQ grills are only for use of the Lodge/Club staff and the BBQ dirt crew.


This is to certify that the amended and substituted By-Laws of Palo Alto, CA Lodge, No. 1471, submitted online and approved by the designated member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary, were proposed at a regular meeting of the Lodge, in writing, held on Thursday, May 9, 2024, read before the Lodge, and laid over until the regular meeting held on Thursday, May 23, 2024, and at that regular meeting said amended and substituted By-Laws were adopted by a majority vote of all the members present.

Notice, in writing, setting forth the changes in the proposed revision, was sent by the Secretary to all members of the Lodge at least ten days before the regular meeting at which said revision was voted upon.


The Order of Business must be as follows, with the exception of items “i” through “q” and “d,” which may be transposed with the consent of the Lodge:


a. Opening.
b. Calling Roll of Officers.
c. Reading Minutes of Previous Session.
d. Initiation.
e. Sickness and Distress (always in order).
f. Community Activities.
g. Reports of Committees (by seniority).
h. Report of the Fraternal Committee.
i. Reading Communications.
j. Propositions for Membership.
k. Balloting on Candidates.
l. Unfinished Business.
m. New Business.
n. Good of the Order.
o. Bills against the Lodge.
p. Receipts of the Session.
q. Treasurer’s Report.
r. Closing.

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